1. mcmcOutput::mcmcListExample
    An object of class 'mcmc.list' produced by 'rjags::coda.samples'
  2. wiqid::GrandSkinks
    Multi-season detection data for grand skinks
  3. wiqid::KanhaTigers
    Capture history matrix for camera-trapped tigers
    matrix|26 x 10
  4. wiqid::KillarneyBirds
    Abundance of woodland birds
  5. wiqid::MeadowVoles
    Robust design mark-recapture data for meadow voles
  6. wiqid::Temburong
    Tree species count data
  7. wiqid::TemburongBA
    Tree species count data
  8. wiqid::dippers
    Capture-recapture data for European dippers
  9. wiqid::distTestData
    An artificial data set to test distance/dissimilarity measures
  10. wiqid::railSims
    Simulated detection/non-detection data for two species of rails
  11. wiqid::salamanders
    Occupancy data for blue ridge salamanders
  12. wiqid::seedbank
    Seed abundances in soil samples
  13. wiqid::toves
    Simulated detection/non-detection data for a fictitious species
  14. wiqid::weta
    Detection data for weta in gorse bushes